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A journal on management learning and organizational development

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Volume 1 - Number 1 (1998)
Volume 1, Number 1 contents.
Volume 1 - Number 2 (1998)
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Volume 2 - Number 1 (1999)
Volume 2, Number 1 contents
Volume 3 - Number 1 (2000)
Volume 3, Number 1 contents.

[ FORUM Management Education ] [ ESC MBA Program ] [ Call for Papers ] [ Call for Reviewers ]

The publication of Management Development Forum (MDF) has been suspended due to withdrawal of funding. We want to thank everyone who has supported MDF over the past four years. Sincerely, Alan Belasen, Editor-in-Chief Peg Jasinski, Assistant Editor

The mission of the Management Development Forum (MDF) is to report on new insights and approaches in the fields of management learning and organizational development relevant to managers. It is our aim to stimulate innovative thinking, share new developments and ideas, and report on new technologies and intervention programs. We serve as a pool for new theory and practical knowledge that will support management and human resource professionals seeking to enhance management training, education and development in their organizations.

We welcome papers especially on the subjects of corporate management and executive education; change and development; self-directed learning; decision making; evaluation of performance for recruiting, staffing and training; measuring and improving the human resource function; team-based design and compensation; training and leadership development; performance management and feedback systems; designing and implementing effective succession planning and management competency development.

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