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Course Description: This course is a policy analysis course which examines several areas of health policy and offers students the opportunity to think critically about selected health policy issues including National Health Care Reform. This course is a capstone study for Health Services concentrations. Students will understand the policy process by utilizing a specific policy framework; will learn analysis including agenda setting, policy formulation, policy implementation, evaluation and revision; will relate course theories and concepts to an understanding of the political and regulatory impact on the health policy development process and ultimately on the operations of health services organizations; will examine the influence of internal and external stakeholders in the process; and will identify significant policy analysis themes which underline the values and assumptions of course authors and others in the field of health policy. Students will be required to complete the following assignments for this course: five written assignments and a final project. Prerequisites: The United States Health Systems or equivalent experience and knowledge. A course or equivalent experience/knowledge dealing with public administration or public policy is helpful. Important Note: this course was renamed effective the September 2016 term and was formerly offered as Issues in Health Policy and Management. Students who have successfully completed 254714, should not enroll in this course. This online course is offered through Online Learning. You can take this as an individual course or as part of an online degree program, with term starts in March, May, September, November and January. View current term offerings and all online courses. Click here to register for online courses.
Other Areas: The Arts | Business, Management & Economics | Community & Human Services | Communications, Humanities & Cultural Studies | Educational Studies | Historical Studies | Human Development | Labor Studies | Nursing | Science, Math & Technology | Social Science Liberal Study Upper Level Credits: 4 Term(s) Offered (Subject to Change) : Spring 1. Summer. Fall 1. For Books and Materials List Go to the Online Bookstore
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