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Course Description: In this course students will learn principles of communication, explore the world of the mass media, and be able to develop projects in their choice of Journalism, Public Relations, or Advertising. This course includes a general introduction to communication theories and methods, followed by an introduction to journalism, advertising or public relations. Students develop progressively more advanced projects of their choosing. Because of this, this course will be fairly individualized with relatively little set content and more chances for students to follow their own paths of interest, and develop their primary sources, content, and direction. Prerequisite: Students are expected to be strong, clear writers. Experience in some type of professional writing would be beneficial. Important Note: this course was renamed effective the May 2016 term and was formerly offered as Introduction to Mass Communication. Students who have successfully completed 221214, should not enroll in this course. This course fully meets the General Education requirement in Humanities. This online course is offered through Online Learning. You can take this as an individual course or as part of an online degree program, with term starts in March, May, September, November and January. View current term offerings and all online courses. Click here to register for online courses.
Other Areas: The Arts | Business, Management & Economics | Community & Human Services | Communications, Humanities & Cultural Studies | Educational Studies | Historical Studies | Human Development | Labor Studies | Nursing | Science, Math & Technology | Social Science Liberal Study Lower Level Credits: 4 Meets General Education Requirement In: Humanities-Full Term(s) Offered (Subject to Change) : Spring 1. Fall 1. For Books and Materials List Go to the Online Bookstore
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