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Dr. Ram N. Aditya
Louisiana Tech University

K. Denise Bane
Orris Center for Professional Development

Dr. Brigid L. Bechtold
Brigid Bechtold Consulting Associates

Dr. Clifford R. Briggie
Leadership Innovations

Gae Broadwater
Kentucky State University

Kenneth Brown
Lakehead University

Dr. Frances Burke
Suffolk University

Dr. Malcolm Burson
State of Maine, Dept. of Environmental Protection

Stanley Capela
HeartShare Human Services of New York

Dr. Allan H. Church
W. Warner Burke Associates, Inc.

Deborah Courtner
Regis University

Dr. John P. Edwards
Seattle University

Dr. Mamdouh I. Farid
Hofstra University

Stephanie Groesser
Pentagon Federal Credit Union

Cpt. Michael Grojean
United States Military Academy

Claire Halverson
School for International Training

Dr. Donald A. Hantula
Temple University

Cory Leonard
Brigham Young University

Dr. David Luechauer
Butler University

Dr. Steven Maranville
University of Houston-Downtown

Dr. Bruce Millett
University of Southern Queensland

David Miron
Miron and Associates

Dr. David Morgan
University of New South Wales

Dr. Norma Noonan
Augsburg College

Dr. Rudy Nydegger
Union College

Erwin Rausch
Didactic Systems, Inc.

Dr. Kenneth G. Rossi
Hawaii Pacific University

Dr. Gilly Salmon
Open University

Dr. John Sample
Barry University

William L. Sparks
George Washington University

Martin A. Strosberg
Union College

Stephen Teo
University of Technology, Sydney

Robert Wagley
Wright State University

S. Nazli Wasti
Middle East Technical University

Dr. Ely Weitz
Tel Aviv University

Dr. Patricia Wheeler
Empire State College, State University of New York

Bette Anne Winston
Rochester Institute of Technology

Dr. Christopher Ziemnowicz
Concord College

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SUNY Empire State College