The Management Development Forum (MDF) is distributed to human resource professionals, trainers and consultants engaged in management development and education. MDF serves as a pool for new theory and practical knowledge that will support human resource professionals seeking to enhance management training, education and development in their organizations. We are seeking original articles well grounded in accepted theory, and presenting a balance of research and practical implications.
The objectives of this journal are to:
stimulate innovative thinking,
share new developments and ideas, and
report on new techniques and intervention programs relevant to managers.
We are seeking articles written with the following guidelines in mind:
The body of the article should flow logically and smoothly, and be presented in a clear, straightforward manner.
Avoid jargon and technical terms. If you must use them, define them.
When references are necessary, incorporate them into the text. Include, at the end of the manuscript, a list of references.
Avoid the use of explanatory footnotes.
Submissions should be approximately 7,000 words.
Please include a brief (approximately 200 words) abstract at the beginning of the manuscript.
All manuscripts are subject to a blind review. Management Development Forum selection criteria are based on the following:
Style — Does the information flow clearly?
Audience appeal — Does the article capture HR professionals' interest in promoting broad management development and effectiveness? Is it current, relevant and useful?
New thinking — Does the article stimulate innovative thinking and the development of new insights? Promote new ideas?
Balance — Is the approach discussed in the article grounded in accepted theory? Does it have practical implications?
The Management Development Forum will notify you when its editorial board has made a decision. We will not return manuscripts. Authors will be contacted about suggested revisions prior to publication, although we reserve the right to make minor editorial changes. Manuscript submission implies agreement with this policy.
The Management Development Forum cannot pay for manuscripts, but two complimentary copies will be provided to published authors.
Please send two copies of your submission. On the first page, include the author's name, position, address, phone number and e-mail address. If you elect to send your article electronically, please send it as a Microsoft Word (version 6.0/95 or higher) attachment to Peg Jasinski:
If your article is accepted, you will be asked to send your manuscript on an IBM-compatible diskette, in Word for Windows. If you cannot provide a Word for Windows document, a rich text format (RTF) document is also acceptable.
To submit an article, please send two copies of your manuscript to:
Dr. Alan Belasen, Editor
Management Development Forum
SUNY Empire State College
28 Union Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-4390
For more information, contact or call Peg Jasinski, Assistant Editor, at 1 800 847-300 ext. 235.